Hello there! Here is the second part of the facts about fitness.If you haven't watched the first part, then follow the link Support formsMany people think that if you get high or lose weight, then after that you can forget about the gym.But alas, this is far from the case, as practice shows in most cases, after stopping training, the form is lost.In order for the form to remain, it must be maintained with regular training and proper nutrition, otherwise beautiful body with you not for long :)7. types of fitnessThere are a lot of different types of fitness,but there is such a thing as YOGA, which helps to improve health and is a good way to combat insomnia and depression.The advantages of yoga are that it can be practiced by absolutely anyone and anywhere.Not be sure to go to the gym if you decide to do yoga, just open the Internet and practice.8. Swimming as a form of fitnessSwimming helps with spinal problems and injuries.Anyone can also swim (even people with no limbs can swim).)Also, swimming improves respiratory system and cardiovascular system. (It is worth noting that for those who do not swimmingly, it is recommended to do it at least once a week.)Also, swimming increases concentration of attention and improves memory. (It's not as difficult as it sounds, just start swimming, and after practicing a little, they will not have to quit at all.))9. WalkingWalking is mainly done by older people,it allows you to speed up your metabolism and improve blood circulation,which is certainly very useful for older people.10. Promotion Scientists say that watch adult movies before training can increase your productivity .Interesting, interesting ;)P.S Friends, if this article was interesting to you, then write comments so that I know what content you are interested in in the future.All the best! :)